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Please, be kind to yourself.

Child Psycholgist
Couples Therapy
Therapist and Patient
Supportive Friend
Attentive Therapist

Glenn Close

"What mental health needs is more sunlight, more candor, and more unashamed conversations."


I offer different types of therapy depending on your needs. 
If you're not sure what you need, don't hesitate to book a free first appointment. The bookings are done here.

Image d'une consultation online

If you're looking for psychological support or advice, but don't know where to start, what kind of therapy you need, etc., don't hesitate to book a free initial appointment.

During this appointment, you can explain your difficulties and needs, and a suitable therapy will be found together.

Image thérapeute

Individual therapy is like having personal conversations with a trained professional who listens and helps you work through your thoughts and feelings. It's a safe space to talk about your worries, learn coping skills, and feel better. It is a therapy only for YOU.

Image de le thérapie de famille

Couples therapy is like a team talk with a trained helper. It's for couples who want to understand each other better, solve problems, and communicate in a healthier way. The helper guides both to work together and find solutions that make everyone feel happier and able to live together peacefully.

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