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Therapy Session Evaluation Form


Thank you for taking a few moments to complete this 20-question form by selecting the appropriate answer on a scale from 0 to 4. Your responses are valuable in helping us improve our services and better meet your needs. Your opinion matters, and I sincerely thank you for your cooperation.

Instructions: Please choose the answer that best reflects how you felt during your therapy session. Answer all questions honestly and accurately. The information you provide is used to enhance therapeutic practices and client satisfaction. Your responses are anonymous.

1. My therapist seemed warm, caring, and attentive.
2. My therapist seemed trustworthy.
3. My therapist treated me with respect.
4. My therapist listened carefully to what I had to say.
5. My therapist understood how I felt inside.
6. I was able to express my feelings during the session.
7. I talked about the issues that bother me.
8. The techniques used were helpful.
9. My therapist's approach made sense.
10. I have learned new ways to manage my problems.
11. I think the session was helpful to me.
12. Overall, I was satisfied with today’s session.
13. I plan to complete the therapy homework before the next session.
14. I intend to use what I learned during today’s session.
15. At times, my therapist seemed to not understand how I was feeling.
16. At certain moments, I felt uncomfortable during the session.
17. I didn’t always agree with my therapist..
18. It was difficult to answer some of my therapist's questions honestly.
19. Sometimes, my responses did not truly reflect how I felt inside.
20. Criticizing my therapist would be too upsetting for me.
Image de Toa Heftiba

Mariana Silva, Lisboa

« Terapia individual excepcional! Meu terapeuta conseguiu criar um ambiente de carinho e forneceu orientação que enriqueceu profundamente minha vida. Grata por esta experiência transformadora.»

Lukas Müller, Munique

« Uma odisseia de cura para a nossa relação! Graças à nossa terapia de casal, superamos com sucesso os desafios e descobrimos novas maneiras de nos compreendermos. As várias estratégias fornecidas foram o vento sob as nossas asas. Uma experiência que realmente reinventou nossa conexão e felicidade juntos.”

Sophie Martin, Luxemburgo

« Terapeuta de orientação excepcional, oferecendo apoio inestimável e conselhos esclarecidos. Uma experiência que realmente mudou a minha perspectiva e melhorou a minha vida.»

Welcoming new clients.

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